Monday, February 6, 2012

FTE Garden 5th Grade Feast!

The FTE garden is the place to be! It especially was a couple weeks ago (on a Fun Friday day) when we had a feast made by the vegetables in our garden. There was also fortune cookies (one per person) and the whole feast was AMAZING! There was white rice you could eat with your soup and there was also another type of soup that was the same except for vegetarians (the base for the none vegetarian one had chicken added to it). There was also two different types of salad, lettuce and spinach, and the salad was amazing (especially the dressing)! But the best part of it all was.....all of it! The table was set nicely and the food was cooked well. I think that it was really cool and very considerate that FTE parents took the time to put together a feast. FTE is awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! It has it's own unique parts that make it awesome. Keep it up!
