Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Radishes and Stuff

Just recently in the FTE garden, we harvested radishes and were able to take them home! One gardener said, "We pulled them out because they were growing really well." So, as you can see, the garden has shaken off the effects of the drought and is back on track for the winter. The radishes were doing the best of any vegetable in the garden, a nice ripe maroon/red color. Another gardener said that he pulled out the weeds so that the radishes could grow and that's how the vegetables turned out so great.

Cold vs Plants

This is the 15 inch high plant

This is the 9 inch high plant
It was lucky for the plants that we blanketed them with mulch. They would have frozen by now if the roots weren't covered with mulch. We also put a white blanket over the plants. The garden keepers water the plants everyday. The biggest plant is 15 inches high, and the smallest is 9 inches high. It will grow bigger  if we keep taking care of the plants.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Garden Marquee

Under Construction
Danny cutting wood for the marquee.
 First of all, a marquee is a sign that people write on or post information. The FTE marquee took about three or four days to complete. The person who is working on the garden's marquee name is Danny. He is the only worker working on the marquee and is very creative. He said, "Marquees are pretty easy to make, if you have the right tools". Danny has the right tools and many of them. He is a very hard, loyal worker. On December 9th, the marquee is finally complete! Danny has impressed us with the finished marquee. Thank you, Danny!
The compressor ready to work for Danny and his nail gun.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Planting Spinach

Have you ever grown spinach at school? Well, we have and will tell you how. First, you get some spinach seeds, second you plant them in small plastic container and next you water them every day. When they are ready to eat, you cut the leaves off and eat the spinach. The leaves grow back and you can harvest it many times. We are on the watering stage. Everyone  is excited to take the spinach home.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter's finally here

 Do you know what these plants are? Do you know that some plants die when it gets cold? Our new plants would say, "We hope it doesn't get too cold, we don't want them to freeze. Do you have a jacket that will keep us warm?". FTE kids will take care of you. We will water and feed you so you can grow strong and healthy. In fact the radishes just got pulled up, they were supposed to be big and big they were.