Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pots, Dill, and Greens

Recently we planted some dill, mint, and oregano but we didn't put them in their usual beds with all their friends.We put the herbs in the pots because they are invasive, that means that they will overgrow and take space from the other plants.
They are thieves.
 They also steal nutrients from the other plants and that is why we isolate them and in other words put them in jail. But they're not all bad they still are helpful to us as food, (and examples of other plants.)

Don't do the crime if you can't do the thyme
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Get it?)

Butterfly Garden

Our garden now has some caterpillars! They are hanging out on the Purple Passion Plant. Some have even started going into a chrysalis (in the picture on the left, I know it's small.)! They have been eating our fruit and veggies that we have been growing. And good luck caterpillars because I hear the birds are hungry this time of year. I can't wait until I see some orange butterflies.

The Amazing Trail!

A group of boy scouts decided to make a beautiful trail here at Forest Trail and it is near our very own FTE garden. The troop leader, Micheal Kerbow was in charge of everything. The new trail was made two weekends ago. The trail is outlined with all different sorts of pretty rocks and ends near Mrs.Couvillion's 3rd grade cabin. Along the trail we spotted several interesting plants, flowers and insects. There is even this interesting butterfly that was black and red. The new trail is cool and something that FTE will treasure forever!!!!

Big, Juicy, Caterpillars

Here is a picture of the Caterpillars
When Mr. Matus's class went to the garden, we saw some big, juicy, caterpillars. They were so big that they could just explode right there in front of us. They were so juicy, we could just shove them down our mouths and chew and chew them. They looked really cool with their black, yellow, green, and white striped bodies. They were so awesome that we took a picture for all of you guys to see. When they get bigger they will turn into small butterfly's or small moth's. We also saw a couple cocoons on the top of gate.


Did you hear the news, Kindergarten planted corn.You know up on the ledge by the 5th grade class room it's really cool. I just love corn it's my favorite vegetable! It was planted Friday and it is really growing.You can all ready see green, I know your probably thinking why green? I thought corn was yellow well corn actually grows on a green stalk and the top of the plant which you rip of is also green. Next time you are in the garden check it out!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Marquee is Completed

Final Marquee
The marquee (right) is a success! Thanks to Danny's hard work, Forest Trail Elementary has an epic garden, AND a beautiful marquee! We should all thank Danny for all his hard and tiring work! He gave us his own time to build this beautiful marquee! Thank you very much, Danny!!!!!!!! The marquee has two whiteboards, two holders, both with Minnesota license plates on them, two paper holders for Kindergarden, 1st grade, and 2nd grade, and the second bin for papers for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade! Danny is now looking for Texas license plates instead of the Minnesota ones.

The Artichoke of Life

This Artichoke may not look like much, but this Artichoke is a miracle. The students planted it last year and then everybody thought it was dead. BUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Miraculously the now school famous Artichoke some how managed to "come back to life" through hard work and lots of water. The Artichoke is now praised by everyone who goes in the garden. We hope you have enjoyed learning about this famous Artichoke and can't wait to eat it!!

The New Grown Flowers

Bluebonnets and Poppies are growing outside our school garden and they are beautiful! The state flower the Bluebonnet is a wonderful flower and the Poppies are also cool. The Poppies are growing outside the garden in a small field and the Bluebonnets are on hills everywhere around school along with other wild flowers. The flowers are also growing all along the Texas highways with families and people taking pictures of themselves in the Bluebonnets.

Honeysuckles Rock!

Yum those honeysuckles are delicious. Here at the FTE garden among the many plants that we grow we have those delicious honey filled, mouth watering honeysuckles! The honeysuckles are bright pink with yellow pistols on them and a green bud on the bottom. While working hard on our garden it's nice to grab a honeysuckle and slurp on the honey from the inside. The honeysuckles are located on the wall of the garden next to the sage it makes a delicious treat for the animals especially the hummingbirds. This is FTE garden signing out.

Potatoes Like a Boss

 Potatoes! We planted potatoes last week. They are already two inches tall. When we planted them, we had to plant them eye side up. Do you know what the eye of a potato is? It is the starting stem of a potato. If you don't, then your plant will grow sideways or don't want that to happen. Anyway the plants are doing well. Soon there will be more potatoes.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Watering Bottles

After planting our many different vegetables, 5th grade had to water them. But instead of having to carry around heavy watering cans, we decided to use water bottles. Sounds weird, huh? Well, we poked holes around the top of them so that we could give the plants something to drink without wasting the everything in the bottle.
We could water many plants at a time with causing erosion and we also got a chance to recycle plastic bottles!