Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Garden Feast

At the end of the last plentiful growing season we had a great feast. The first and fifth grades had food made out of only the best of the FTE garden. We had soup made of various fruits and vegetables, we had rice, and a special added treat...FORTUNE COOKIES!!! Some of the first graders have said that the absolute best food was the fortune cookies and they were surprised by the things that they grew could be used to make something so delicious!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weather machine (death ray or barometer)

I am getting a suspicious feeling about the spinning machine outside Mr. Matus's class room Mr. Matus SAYS that it tells me the wind speed but I know better. I know that it's a weather ray that will make it never snow anywhere ever. That little devise inside his room just shows predictions from the weather channel. We are going to ask Mr. Matus about it  LATER... OK all he said was "you'll see oh you'll see."

On the reality side the new weather vane is working great. It is giving accurate information
(see this)
because of a walk outside I hypothesized that it was 75 degrees when we looked at the weather statistics  it was 73.2

That seems to prove it

The Garden Game

In this addition to our blog we looked in the garden and guessed what a few plants are. We think we found spinach, artichoke, and lettuce we based our guess off of the look, smell, and what we had been told about the plants. When we first got to the garden, an army of cats tried to keep us out, but we used the donkey of Aborigine to obliterate them. Once in the garden, I had to be restrained so I didn't eat the produce. We looked at many plants that we couldn't identify until we found lettuce. Then we ventured farther and found the spinach. We couldn't identify the rest because the cats were back with vengeance. BYE!

FTE Garden 5th Grade Feast!

The FTE garden is the place to be! It especially was a couple weeks ago (on a Fun Friday day) when we had a feast made by the vegetables in our garden. There was also fortune cookies (one per person) and the whole feast was AMAZING! There was white rice you could eat with your soup and there was also another type of soup that was the same except for vegetarians (the base for the none vegetarian one had chicken added to it). There was also two different types of salad, lettuce and spinach, and the salad was amazing (especially the dressing)! But the best part of it all was.....all of it! The table was set nicely and the food was cooked well. I think that it was really cool and very considerate that FTE parents took the time to put together a feast. FTE is awesome!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Garden Thief...

This radish was devastated by the thief.
This plant was targeted by the thief.
Evil lurks outside the garden. A danger to all radishes and broccoli. A fear that can only be named as... THE GARDEN THIEF aka, a rat. He comes  in at night to feast on the defenseless plants. There is only one known way to stop the rat. It hates onions. They are not sweet enough for its purposes, so when it sees the onion, it moves away. In order to protect the Forest Trail Elementary garden, our gardeners must plant more onions. We are currently trying to find more ways to stop theft of our plants, and at all costs, we will catch the garden thief.